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Day 5 – Ring Around the Kenmare

David's Photos








Amber's Photos














David's Journal:

This day started with a morning walk through the outskirts of Killarney National Park.  Then it was off to Kenmare, where we took an Eco-Cruise of the Kenmare bay.  We got to see a few seals sunning on the rocks during our trip.  After the cruise we went back to Kenmare and walked up to the Stone Circle, which is one of the biggest stone circles in Ireland.  During our trip back to Killarney we made a stop at “Lady’s View”, an outcropping overlooking upper lake.  It was named by Queen Victoria’s ladies in waiting for it’s stunning view back in 1861 during her 2 day visit to Muckross House.

Amber's Journal:

Word of the Day—Muckanaghederdauhaulia, or “over the hill and through the dale”. 

We began the day with a walking tour of Killarney Park.  Our guides showed us the park, and even managed to cue up a deer for us—all animatronic you know, hehe!  I found out the berries alongside the path were indeed blackberries, so I snacked on quite a few of them—they were delicious!  After the walking tour, we packed off in the bus again, and went off for a visit to a stone circle, and an eco-cruise of the bay.  The bay has very calm water, and was an easy cruise.  We managed to see some seals, and a pair of little castles that are really holiday houses, not ancient castles.  I really enjoyed our little cruise!

We grabbed a lunch in Kenmare with our buddies, then picked up a baby sheep for our guides since “Smeary” a new female sheep had shown up to join “Sheepie”, and we figured they were starting a family. (Our guides had told us that rams are fitted with a device that leaves a smear on the rears of any she-sheeps they have a bit of ‘Irish conversation’ with so they can track what ewe is expecting.)  In the evening, we had a wine and cheese tasting, and learned Irish step dancing from some little local girls in very fancy costumes.  We shared a drink in the hotel bar with Linda and Dave, then turned in to prepare for another early day!

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