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Vacation 2011 (Part 2)

Mediterranean Magic - Mediterranean Cruise

Our second vacation of 2011 was a Cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, visiting Spain, France, Monaco, & Italy.  This was a last minute plan because our previously planned trip to Egypt got cancelled.  Egypt will be planned again in the future, but the mediterranean was a nice alternative choice.  This trip was a joint venture between the Disney Cruise Line, and Adventures By Disney.

All of the daily journals are written by Amber, description below are written by David.

Day 1 - Bienvenidos Abordo

Day 1: Bienvenidos Abordo

With all of our Disney Adventures, the first day of the adventure is just the welcome dinner, where you get to meet your fellow adventurers.  This trip however just had a welcome hor d'oeuvres.  As we had dinner as part of the normal cruise dinner.  All of our dinners we were seated with our fellow adventurers.

Day 2: Oo-La-La

Day 2: Oo-La-La

We make port in Vellefranche, France, and then bus over to Monaco and visit the Prince's Palace.  We watch the changing of the guard.  Then we head over to Monte Carlo for lunch, where the cost of the cars in the parking lot could buy my house 20x over.  Then we took a walking tour of an old city called Eze.

Day 3: Romance Renaissance

Day 3: Romance Renaissance

Today we visited Florence, Italy and the market places within.  This town has many shops dedicated to Pinocchio.  This is also where the statue of David is, and many other statues.  Walking around the streets and seeing the sculptures of all the masters is just awe-inspiring.

Day 4: All Roads Lead To Rome

Day 4: All Roads Lead To Rome

A walking tour of Vatican City including the Sistene Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica.  Then a walking tour of Rome where we saw the Fontana della Barcaccia, and the Trevi Fountain.  With the finale being the Colloseum.  The Colloseum is awe inspiring.

Day 5: Bella Italia

Day 5: Bella Italia

We disembark in Naples, and make our way to a farm in Sereno where we make our own pizza from all fresh ingrediants grown on the farm (including the cheese).  Then over to a boat ride and boat tour of Capri Island.  We take a short dip in the Mediterranean Sea.

Day 6: Mediterranean Delights

Day 6: Mediterranean Delights

A lazy day spent at sea.  We woke up late, had brunch, and then went and took a class on drawing Pinocchio.  Then we watched movies for the rest of the day.
Day 7: Pearls of Palma

Day 7: Pearls of Palma

MallorcaMallorca, Spain, which is well known for its pearls.  Take a train ride over to Sereno, and have lunch at a restaurant right on a pristine beach.

Day 8: Sea You Real Soon

Day 8: Sea You Real Soon

Return to Barcellona and say farewell to the Disney Magic.  Off to the airport for our dreaded return home.

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